SACLA Users' Meeting 2025


Day 1 (Monday, March 3, 2025)

13:00 Registration
13:30 Welcome
13:40 Facility Session Overview M. Yabashi (SACLA)
13:50 Facility Update T. Yabuuchi (SACLA)
14:15 Group Photo/Break
14:45 SACLA
Basic Development Program
X-ray experiment in pulsed ultrahigh magnetic field beyond 100 T with a portable single turn coil system “PINK” A. Ikeda (UEC)
15:00 Development of structure analysis and chemical reaction tracking system for metal-containing protein crystals by XFEL and X-ray emission spectroscopy D. Kosumi
(Kumamoto Univ.)
15:15 Measurement systems for biomolecular movies using X-ray free electron lasers E. Nango
(Tohoku Univ.)
15:30 Advancement of ultrafast structural dynamics studies of small-unit cell systems facilitated by the CITIUS detector B. Iversen
(Aarhus Univ.)
15:45 Study of magnetized solids/plasmas in the near and above high energy density regime B. Albertazzi (LULI)
16:00 Break
16:20 Special Talk Recent updates and prospects of SACLA (accelerator) E. Iwai (SACLA)
17:00 Guest House Check-in
18:00 Dinner

Day 2 (Tuesday, March 4, 2025)

 9:00 Breakout Sessions 1 1A: Advances in liquid sample delivery systems and their applications A. Suzuki
(Hokkaido Univ.)
Y. Inubushi (SACLA)
1B: Data acquisition and handling T. Osaka (SACLA)
10:30 Poster Session
11:45 Lunch
13:30 Breakout Sessions 2 2A: XFEL experiments with synchronized optical lasers H. Itoh
(Kwansei Gakuin Univ.)
N. Kida (SACLA)
2B: High-resolution detector and its applications N. Ozaki
(Osaka Univ.)
G. Yamaguchi (SACLA)
15:00 Break
15:15 Special Talk Message from the chair of the SACLA Proposal Review Committee H. Yoneda (PRC Chair)
15:30 Summary Summary from breakout sessions Breakout Organizers
15:55 Closing
16:00 Adjournment

* List of Poster Presentations:

Title Presenter
 1 Overview of SACLA Beamlines SACLA
 2 Technical update in the synchronized optical laser systems SACLA
 3 Apparatus for X-ray diffraction and scattering experiments at SACLA SACLA
 4 Integrated platform for ultrafast X-ray spectroscopy SACLA
 5 DAPHNIS: A standard platform for serial femtosecond crystallography in SACLA SACLA
 6 Platforms for XFEL experiments with high-power optical lasers SACLA
 7 Development of 20.2 Mpixel CITIUS detector for SACLA SACLA
 8 Spatial and shot-by-shot variations in the spectra of the incidence beam at BL1 of SACLA Yoko Takeo (Univ. Tokyo)
 9 Evaluation of high-magnification total-reflection optics for stimulated X-ray Raman scattering imaging Yu Nakata (Univ. Tokyo)
10 Time-resolved X-ray diffraction measurements of TaTe2 Takeshi Suzuki (Univ. Tokyo)
11 X-Ray Diffraction studies of Al/Ni reactive multilayer foil by using X-ray Free-Electron Laser at SACLA Jun Yamashita (Yazaki Corporation)
12 Measurement of plasma dynamics in the laser-irradiated nanowire array via ultrafast time-resolved x-ray shadowgraph Daisuke Tanaka (Osaka Univ.)
13 Investigation of spin transition in laser shock compressed Fe2O3 Alexis Amouretti (Osaka Univ.)


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