
Result of Research

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    X-ray Science performed at SACLA

  1. F.X. Gallat, N. Matsugaki, N.P. Coussens, K.J. Yagi, M. Boudes, T. Higashi, D. Tsuji, Y. Tatano, M. Suzuki, E. Mizohata, K. Tono, Y. Joti, T. Kameshima, J. Park, C. Song, T. Hatsui, M. Yabashi, E. Nango, K. Itoh, F. Coulibaly, S. Tobe, S. Ramaswamy, B. Stay, S. Iwata, L.M. Chavas, "In vivo Crystallography at X-ray Free-Electron Lasers: the Next Generation of Structural Biology?", Philo.Trans. Royal Soc. B 369, 20130497 (2014).

  2. M. Oura, L.-P. Oloff, A. Chainani, K. Rossnagel, M. Matsunami, R. Eguchi, T. Kiss, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Nakatani, J. Miyawaki, K. Yamagami, M. Taguchi, T. Togashi, T. Katayama, K. Ogawa, M. Yabashi, T. Gejo, K. Myojin, K. Tamasaku, Y. Tanaka, T. Ebihara, and T. Ishikawa, "Electron Dynamics Probed by Time-Resolved Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy", Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Japan 39, 469-473 (2014).

  3. Y. Sekiguchi, M. Yamamoto, T. Oroguchi, Y. Takayama, S. Suzuki, M. Nakasako, "IDATEN and G-SITENNO: GUI Assisted Software for Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging Experiments and Data Analyses at SACLA", J. Synchrotron Rad. 21, 1378-1383 (2014).

  4. Y. Sekiguchi,T. Oroguchi, Y. Takayama, M. Nakasako, "Data Processing Software Suite SITENNO for Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging using the X-ray Free-Electron Laser SACLA", J. Synchrotron Rad. 21, 600-612 (2014).

  5. P. N. Juranić, A. Stepanov, R. Ischebeck, V. Schlott, C. Pradervand, L. Patthey, M. Radović, I. Gorgisyan, L. Rivkin, C. P. Hauri, B. Monoszlai, R. Ivanov, P. Peier, J. Liu, T. Togashi, S. Owada, K. Ogawa, T. Katayama, M. Yabashi, and R. Abela, "High-precision x-ray FEL pulse arrival time measurements at SACLA by a THz streak camera with Xe clusters", Opt. Exp. 22, 30004 (2014).

  6. L.-P. Oloff, M. Oura, K. Rossnagel, A. Chainani, M. Matsunami, R. Eguchi, T. Kiss, Y. Nakatani, T. Yamaguchi, J. Miyawaki, M. Taguchi, K. Yamagami, T. Togashi, T. Katayama, K. Ogawa, M. Yabashi, and T. Ishikawa, "Time-resolved HAXPES at SACLA : probe and pump pulse-induced space-charge effects ", New J. Phys., 16, 123045 (2014).

  7. A. Kobayashi, Y. Sekiguchi, Y. Takayama, T. Oroguchi, and M. Nakasako, "Dark-field phase retrieval under the constraint of the Friedel symmetry in coherent X-ray diffraction imaging ", Opt. Exp. 22, pp. 27892-27909 (2014).

  8. H. Yoneda, Y. Inubushi, M. Yabashi, T. Katayama, T. Ishikawa, H.Ohashi, H. Yumoto, K. Yamauchi,H. Mimura, and H. Kitamura, "Saturable absorption of intense hard X-rays in iron ", Nature Commun., 5, 5080 (2014).

  9. K. Hirata, K. Shinzawa-Itoh, N. Yano, S. Takemura, K. Kato, M. Hatanaka, K. Muramoto, T. Kawahara, T. Tsukihara, E. Yamashita, K. Tono, G. Ueno, T. Hikima, H. Murakami, Y. Inubushi, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa, M. Yamamoto, T. Ogura, H. Sugimoto, J.-R. Shen, S. Yoshikawa, and H. Ago, "Determination of damage-free crystal structure of an X-ray-sensitive protein using an XFEL ", Nature Methods 11, 734-736 (2014).

  10. M. C. Newton, M. Sao, Y. Fujisawa,R. Onitsuka, T. Kawaguchi, K. Tokuda, T. Sato, T. Togashi, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa, T. Ichitsubo, E. Matsubara, Y. Tanaka, and Y. Nishino, "Time-Resolved Coherent Diffraction of Ultrafast Structural Dynamics in a Single Nanowire ", Nano Letters 5, 2413-2418 (2014).

  11. R. Xu, H. Jiang, C. Song, J. A. Rodriguez, Z. Huang, C.-C. Chen, D. Nam, J. Park, M. G.-Jones, S. Kim, S. Kim, A. Suzuki, Y. Takayama, T. Oroguchi, Y. Takahashi, J. Fan, Y. Zou, T. Hatsui, Y. Inubushi, T. Kameshima, K. Yonekura, K. Tono, T. Togashi, T. Sato, M. Yamamoto, M. Nakasako, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa, and J. Miao, "Single-shot three-dimensional structure determination of nanocrystals with femtosecond X-ray free-electron laser pulses ", Nature Com. 5, 4061 (2014).

  12. F. Lehmkühler, C. Gutt, B. Fischer, M. A. Schroer, M. Sikorski, S. Song, W. Roseker, J. Glownia, M. Chollet, S. Nelson, K. Tono, T. Katayama, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa, A. Robert, and G. Grübel, "Single Shot Coherence Properties of the Free-Electron Laser SACLA in the Hard X-ray Regimee ", Sci. Rep. 4, 5234 (2014).

  13. M. G.-Jones, Y. Bessho, S. Kim, J. Park, S. Kim, D. Nam, C. Kim, Y. Kim, D. Y. Noh, O. Miyashita, F. Tama, Y. Joti, T. Kameshima, T. Hatsui, K. Tono, Y. Kohmura, M. Yabashi, S. S. Hasnain, T. Ishikawa & C. Song, "Macromolecular structures probed by combining single-shot free-electron laser diffraction with synchrotron coherent X-ray imaging ", Nature Commun. 5, 3798 (2014).

  14. T. Inada, T.Yamaji, S. Adachi, T. Namba, S. Asai, T. Kobayashi, K. Tamasaku, Y. Tanaka, Y. Inubushi, K. Sawada, M. Yabashi, and T. Ishikawa, "Search for photon-photon elastic scattering in the X-ray region ", Phys. Lett. B 732, 356-359 (2014).

  15. S. Shwartz, M. Fuchs, J. B. Hastings, Y. Inubushi, T. Ishikawa, T. Katayama, D. A. Reis, T. Sato, K. Tono, M. Yabashi, S. Yudovich, and S. E. Harris, "X-Ray Second Harmonic Generation ", Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 163901 (2014).

  16. K. Tamasaku, E. Shigemasa, Y. Inubushi, T. Katayama, K. Sawada, H. Yumoto, H. Ohashi, H. Mimura, M. Yabashi, K. Yamauchi, and T. Ishikawa "X-ray two-photon absorption competing against single and sequential multiphoton processes ", Nature Photon. 8, 313-316 (2014).

  17. C. Song, K. Tono, J. Park, T. Ebisu,S. Kim, H. Shimada, S. Kim, M. Gallagher-Jones, D. Nam, T. Sato, T. Togashi, K. Ogawa, Y. Joti, T. Kameshima, S. Ono, T. Hatsui, S. Iwata, M. Yabashia and T. Ishikawa, "Multiple application X-ray imaging chamber for single-shot diffraction experiments with femtosecond X-ray laser pulses ", J. Appl. Cryst. 47, 188-197 (2014).

  18. Y. Obara, T. Katayama, Y. Ogi, T. Suzuki, N. Kurahashi, S. Karashima, Y.  Chiba, Y. Isokawa, T. Togashi, Y. Inubushi, M. Yabashi, T. Suzuki, and K. Misawa, "Femtosecond time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy of liquid using a hard X-ray free electron laser in a dual-beam dispersive detection method ", Opt. Exp. 22, 1105-1113 (2014).

  19. M. Oura, T. Wagai, A. Chainani, J. Miyawaki, H. Sato, M. Matsunami, R.  Eguchi, T. Kiss, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Nakatani, T. Togashi, T. Katayama, K.  Ogawa, M. Yabashi, Y. Tanaka, Y. Kohmura, K. Tamasaku, S. Shin and T. Ishikawa, "Development of a single-shot CCD-based data acquisition system for time-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy at an X-ray free-electron laser facility ", J. Synchrotron Rad. 21, 183-192 (2014).

  20. T. Kimura,Y. Joti, A. Shibuya, C. Song, S. Kim, K. Tono, M. Yabashi, M.  Tamakoshi, T. Moriya, T. Oshima, T. Ishikawa, Y. Bessho, and Y. Nishino, "Imaging live cell in micro-liquid enclosure by X-ray laser diffraction ", Nature Commun. 5, (2014).

  21. FEL, Accelerator, and Beamline Science developed at SACLA

  22. T. Kudo, K. Kobayashi, S. Ono, T. Watanabe, H. Kinoshita, M. Okihara, and T. Hatsui, "Development of Experimental Methodology for Highly Efficient Wafer-Level Evaluation of X-Ray Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 61, 1444-1450 (2014).

  23. Y. Kayser, S. Rutishauser, T. Katayama, H. Ohashi, T. Kameshima, U. Flechsig, M. Yabashi, and Ch. David, "Wavefront metrology measurements at SACLA by means of X-ray grating interferometry ", Opt. Exp. 22, 9004-9015 (2014).

  24. H. Mimura, H. Yumoto, S. Matsuyama, T. Koyama, K. Tono, Y. Inubushi, T. Togashi, T. Sato, J. Kim, R. Fukui, Y. Sano, M. Yabashi, H. Ohashi, T. Ishikawa, and K. Yamauchi, "Generation of 1020 W cm-2 hard X-ray laser pulses with two-stage reflective focusing system ", Nature Commun. 5, 3539 (2014).

  25. M. Suzuki, Y. Inubushi, M. Yabashi and T. Ishikawa, "Polarization control of an X-ray free-electron laser with a diamond phase retarder ", J. Synchrotron Rad. 21, 466-472 (2014).

  26. T. Kameshima, S. Ono, T. Kudo, K. Ozaki, Y. Kirihara, K. Kobayashi, Y. Inubushi, M. Yabashi, T. Horigome, A. Holland, K. Holland, D. Burt, H. Murao, and T. Hatsui, "Development of an X-ray pixel detector with multi-port charge-coupled device for X-ray free-electron laser experiment ", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 033110 (2014).

  27. Reports in Japanese

  28. 石川 哲也, "SACLAができるまで", 日本結晶学会誌, 56, 4 (2014).

  29. 矢橋 牧名, "X線自由電子レーザー施設SACLAの概要", 日本結晶学会誌, 56, 9 (2014).

  30. 松原 英一郎, 徳田 一弥, 河口 智也, 山田 昇, "超短パルス粉末X線回折による光励起ピコ秒構造相転移計測技術の開発", 日本結晶学会誌, 56, 15 (2014).

  31. 佐野 雄二, 藤田 敏之, "パルスレーザーによる金属表面の機能創製とSACLAによる実時間観察", 日本結晶学会誌, 56, 22 (2014).

  32. 中迫 雅由, 苙口 友隆, 関口 優希, 小林 周, 橋本 早紀, 白濱 圭也, 山本 雅貴, 高山 裕貴, 米倉 功治, 眞木 さおり, 引間 孝明, 高橋 幸生, 鈴木 明大, 松永 幸大, 乾 弥生, 登野 健介, 亀島 敬, 城地 保昌, 犬伏 雄一, 星 貴彦, "X線自由電子レーザーを用いた非結晶粒子のコヒーレントX線回折イメージング", 日本結晶学会誌, 56, 27 (2014).

  33. 溝端 栄一, 南後 恵理子, 菅原 道泰, 鈴木 守, 岩田 想, :X線自由電子レーザーを用いたタンパク質の構造解析", 56, 241 (2014).

  34. Science performed at SCSS

  35. S. Mondal, H. Fukuzawa, K. Motomura, T. Tachibana, K. Nagaya, T. Sakai, K. Matsunami, S. Yase, M. Yao, S. Wada, H. Hayashita, N. Saito, C. Callegari, K. C. Prince, C. Miron, M. Nagasono, T. Togashi, M. Yabashi, K. L. Ishikawa, A. K. Kazansky, N. M. Kabachnik, and K. Ueda, "Pulse-Delay Effects in the Angular Distribution of Near-Threshold EUV + IR Two-Photon Ionization Ne", Phys. Rev. A 89, 013415 (2014).

  36. Dissertations

  37. 松田 朋己, "フェムト秒レーザ駆動衝撃波による鉄への高密度格子欠陥導入とその表面特性に及ぼす影響",大阪大学大学院工学研究科マテリアル生産科学専攻, 2014年12月